The Accuracy Of Blood Pressure Monitors
Many people suffer from hypertension. Hypertension means high blood pressure. Usually 120 pounds per square inch is considered as the acceptable higher blood pressure. The higher blood pressure is known as the systolic blood pressure. Blood pressure monitors measure both the higher and lower blood pressure. Lower blood pressure is known as systolic blood pressure. The lower blood pressure should be 80 pounds per square inch of blood vessels. The blood pressure monitor is an old medical equipment. It has been in use for a long time. It was previously in an analogue form. It has now been replaced by a digital form to a long extent. Click here for more info on medical equipment Australia.
The higher blood pressure is measured when the veins or arteries are pumped full of blood. The lower blood pressure is measured when their veins or arteries are relaxed after the blood has flown through them. Blood flows through veins and arteries in a cycle. It alternates between low and high blood pressure. A blood pressure monitor measures both high and low blood pressure. Higher than normal blood pressure is known as hypertension. A lower than normal blood pressure is known as hypotension. Hypertension is more common than hypotension. Hypertension is also more dangerous than hypotension. People take a lot of drugs to make their blood pressure normal. High blood pressure can damage organs. It can cause ruptured kidneys and failed lungs. It is especially dangerous for people who have other diseases. It complicates pre-existing diseases. People who have hypertension need to measure their blood pressure with a monitor frequently. A blood pressure monitor should be used as often as twice a day for them. Even normal people should use one once a week or so. This helps keep an eye on the overall health of a person. Any abnormal changes in the blood pressure can be detected early on. Early detection can save many lives and can prevent conditions from worsening.
People who have hypertension need to change their lifestyle. Hypertension can damage the heart. It is especially bad for people who have cardiac issues. Cardiac issues can be worsened by high blood pressure. It is important to keep an eye on rising blood pressure by the use of a monitor. A monitor helps to monitor changes in blood pressure. Minor changes are not of much concern.
Major changes in blood pressure can lead to major issues. A blood pressure monitor comes in both digital and analogue variants. The digital variant is the more common one. It uses two to four batteries. It also makes beeping sounds. It shows more accurate results than an analogue blood pressure monitor. An analogue blood pressure monitor can be easier to carry. A digital blood pressure monitor has an LCD to show the result of the measurements.