Escape Into The Arms Of Luxury

A relaxing holiday by the beach is what most people would dream of when they know there is a long weekend around the corner. There is nothing more comforting or relaxing than sitting on the beach with your feet digging into the sand and watching the waves crashing around you. The salty spray that come and hits your face is soothing and you feel like you can sit there all day. And the added luxury of watching both the sunrise and the sunset will be the overwhelming finish you can get.
How to make it a reality
Imagining yourself seated on the beach is the best that most of us can do to coming close to this experience. But some people want this experience more often than not. So they try and design their home with the classical Hampton style homes exterior and interior. The Hampton style exemplifies beach living at its best. The style is known for its relaxed approach with a casual and sophisticated yet classical outlook.
Home builders try to incorporate this look in almost every home in one way or another. Be it the ultra-white interiors that we find in most homes now are an adaptation of this style. Or the wall paneling that we find very commonly is also another very Hampton style fitting. Pastel shades and light colored sheens are the order of the day. Chocolate colored or bleached timber floors are another adaptation that we see in most homes. A little bit of cane or wicker furniture thrown around also adds to chic look. While the painting and furniture remains in light shades the paintings and wall hangings are put up in dark colors to give the whole contrasting look. The subtle ambience that the lighting adds is very important to complete the look. And mixing new with old is always a unique way to keep things modern but still have rustic and traditional look. Contemporary pieces of furniture like retro art and lamps mixed together with antique kitchen ware can help enhance the look. So these are some of the ways in which people try to keep the beach and beach style living close to their hearts. But what finally gives you the actual feeling of living by the beach will be the natural knick knacks that you can add such as driftwood and seashells that you can have displayed in various ways around your house. Even though it doesn’t match up to the real experience it will help give you at least that little bit of comfort that you want to experience.